Today December 5th is the World Soil Day, established by FAO – the UN food agency – in 2014. The theme of this 2021 edition is “Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity“.
For years, FAO has been fighting for soil to be recognized as an essential resource: it generates over 95% of the food we eat, a percentage that makes it essential for the survival of humanity. The UN food agency has indicated eleven guidelines for governments with the aim of ensuring optimal soil conservation and counteracting the factors that lead to its degradation. Among these we find: the containment of erosion and adequate vegetation cover; promoting carbon storage and soil fertility; the commitment to ensure proper drainage of water and to ensure contamination levels below the toxicity threshold.
The importance of healthy soil and its sustainable management are issues increasingly felt by the community and by Cereal Docks Group which is committed to raising awareness among its stakeholders and public opinion on improving the health of the ecosystem.
“Ensuring nutrition and well-being for people, animals and the environment to keep the ecosystem in perfect balance” is our purpose. Our agri-food chain applies the “Farm to fork strategy” with the aim of reducing waste, spreading agronomic and cultivation techniques that involve less residues, greater soil fertility, safety and quality of raw materials and food supply chain.
Thanks to the use of regenerative agriculture, we want to promote food production that respects the environment and biodiversity: at the basis there is the idea that human work must harmoniously fit into the natural balance to recover the fertility of the land, regenerate the soils without impoverishing and polluting them, avoiding the use of pesticides and fertilizers. The reference to the principles of organic farming and sustainability is clear:
– CULTURAL DIVERSIFICATION to improve the soil structure and make it more fertile and increase yields
– REDUCTION OF THE MECHANICAL IMPACT ON SOILS to increase fertility and reduce the required work and fuel consumption
– SOIL COVERAGE WITH CULTIVATION RESIDUES to improve the overall soil structure and fix nutrients.
We at Cereal Docks Food also think about the future of our planet and are constantly committed to respecting the environment and spreading these principles, which are useful for creating a more sustainable world.