Proterra: sustainability in soy lecithin
In the Western world there is a paradigm shift that is revolutionizing the concept of quality. Until recently, the goal was to produce good and healthy food. The sense of responsibility for the future of the planet, the need to preserve resources that are not infinite, the moral duty to be attentive to the aspects of sociality today ask companies for much more. Everyone must strive to be proactive on communities and contribute to the regeneration of the planet. Social responsibility and sustainability have become central to the final consumer who demands precise guarantees.
Aware of this, Cereal Docks Food since its origins has been committed to giving its customers the safety of the quality and sustainability of its products adopting internationally recognized standards such as the Pro-Terra, certification which certifies agricultural production and derivative products according to the three pillars of sustainability: the economic one that concerns the ability to generate income and work; the environmental one to maintain quality and reproducibility of natural resources and the social one, to guarantee conditions of well-being for people involved in agricultural activities and first transformation (human rights, work practices, safety, fair treatment, transparency, involvement and community development).
Cereal Docks Food has understood the importance of these aspects and has launched a project for the certification of a fundamental ingredient for the food sector, lecithin.
LECIPLUS F NGM soy lecithin from Cereal Docks Food is among the first in Europe to have obtained this prestigious certification, increasingly in demand by the client industry. The answer to these needs is called the “traced and sustainable supply chain” which Cereal Docks Food considers an opportunity to enhance agricultural production, particularly the Italian ones. The certified supply chains, in fact, involve the entire supply chain and ensure real added value as they are more controlled, more respectful, more sustainable for the environment, more guaranteed on respect for the ethics of production. “Lecithin – comments Silvia Santarelli CEO of Cereal Docks Food – is a very versatile ingredient used in a large variety of products that arrive on our tables every day. With this certification we are sure to give something more, not only in terms of quality, safety and authenticity but also of transparency and fairness towards all those who in various capacities participate in the creation of our products “.