Nateeo presents the new Supplier Code of Conduct, the document intended for partners, with which to share knowledge of our fundamental and founding values and the rules for working together in a way that is increasingly consistent with our commitments to sustainability, ethics and inclusiveness.
The Supplier Code of Conduct contains a summary of the mission that guides Nateeo’s work, which is the creation of a network that responds to people’s demands for wellbeing and health by processing raw materials from agricultural partners and offering a range of excellent products and solutions to customers.
A mission that can only be achieved through collaboration, mutual trust and transparency towards suppliers, who play a key role in ensuring product quality and safety, business ethics and sustainability ‘from farm to fork”.
The starting point is the unwavering principle of respect for legality, ensuring that all products, materials and services supplied to Nateeo comply with applicable laws and regulations (export controls, sanctions, reporting obligations, anti-corruption laws, confidentiality and privacy, data protection, antitrust and competition laws, intellectual property). Suppliers must also respect and abide by international labour standards as defined by the core conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for employees.
But respect for legality cannot go without knowledge and adherence to the values in which all the people working at Nateeo recognize themselves: people, passion, quality, innovation, customer satisfaction.
Values that are translated into as many commitments. First and foremost, environmental protection and management, which must guarantee a responsible and sustainable use of resources to minimize the impact on biodiversity and the risk of deforestation, air quality, water resource management and the fight against climate change. But also, the attention to people, the commitment to give customers excellent products and the desire to participate in the great process of innovation that involves the food ingredient world.
Nateeo is also committed to spreading a culture of responsibility along the entire value chain and actively encourages its suppliers to commit to informing their partners about the principles contained in the Code of Conduct. A ‘formal’ adherence to the values expressed in the document is not enough, but their internalization and concrete implementation is necessary, in a process of continuous improvement towards the practices of interest.
The joint commitment that Nateeo requires from its suppliers will help all parties to grow mutually, establishing relationships of mutual trust, based on transparency of information, to be increasingly responsible in order to contribute together to creating an increasingly sustainable, ethical and inclusive world.